Our Story
our story
In 1979 an eight-year-old boy was at home with his babysitter. The boy was sitting on top of a bunk bed and thought he was Spiderman. He decided to grab a curtain rod and swing off the bunk bed to on his feet, just like Spiderman would do. In mid-air, the curtain rod snapped and he landed on the corner of a coffee table. Instantly his stomach hurt like never before. The sitter ran downstairs after hearing the commotion to see the boy lying in the fetal position on the floor. She took him to a bedroom so he could lie down. At that exact moment his mother, who was at a real estate closing, had a funny feeling. She called the house (this is before cell phones) and asked the sitter if everything was alright. The sitter told his mother what had happened. The mother immediately left and went home to see her boy. When the boy’s mother arrived home she rushed to the bedroom, took one look at her son, and said “My baby needs to go to the emergency room right now“.
Immediately she rushed him to the hospital emergency room. Six doctors surrounded her son and could not figure out what was wrong. Then a older, more experienced, physician entered the room. He took one look at the boy and said “He has a ruptured spleen. If we don’t remove it right now he will be dead in forty-five minutes“. The boy went through surgery successfully and had a scar down his entire belly as a reminder of that day. I tell you this story because I am that boy. You see God has a plan for everyone’s life, even mine. He knew that I would start Atlantic Wireless and that this business would impact people’s lives for Christ. This experience has shaped my Leadership Point of View. It is the reason we have such a strong mission, vision, and core values. Thank you for letting me share my story.
Brandon Tate CEO and ambassador for Christ
Please watch the Greatest Story Ever told
Atlantic Wireless is Born
In 1993 (man that’s a long time ago) our CEO Brandon Tate started in retail sales at the U.S. Cellular retail store located on Greenville Blvd in Greenville, North Carolina. He worked part-time and paid for his undergraduate degree at ECU with the commissions that he had earned. Due to his success, U.S. Cellular had him help open a U.S. Cellular corporate store on Arlington Blvd in Greenville NC. In 1995 he was promoted from inside sales to outside sales for U.S. Cellular. As a full time, outside sales representative, Brandon began his Masters Degree (MBA) with a concentration in Marketing & Sales Management (he was very tired). His commitment, dedication and focus resulted in him being ranked the top outside sales producer in the country for U.S. Cellular. In his last semester of his MBA, on August 27, 1997, he and Tamira Tate (then Tamira Barravecchia) founded Atlantic Wireless Communications, Inc. The company was originally operated for 2 1/2 years out of their four-bedroom house located at 113 South Harding Street in Greenville (they still own this house today). The company turned a profit in the first month of business. Brandon became the number one outside sales producer in the country for U.S. Cellular.
We started Atlantic Wireless out of our house on August 27th 1998. In 1999 we opened our first Atlantic Wireless retail store located at 3700-C South Charles Boulevard in Greenville, North Carolina. Since then the company has maintained systematic and stable growth across the United States.
Proven Strategy
We designed our operating model to enable us to scale our culture and performance to any geography in the United States.
Elite Dealer
Atlantic Wireless continues to grow and maintains a distinct market share across the United States. The future is bright. The company is strong due to its clear Mission, Vision, Core Values, and Behaviors. Its leadership is motivated and aggressive. This is evident by Atlantic Wireless being awarded the ELITE PERFORMERS award by U.S. Cellular for 2023.
Community Involvement
- Called 2 Business
- Rocking Horse Ranch Therapeutic Riding Program: Derby Dash
- Carolina East Hospice and Home Health Center of Kenansville NC: Running for the Rock 5K
- Certain Hope Ministries: Monster Dash 8K Run and banquet
- Family Support Network: Festival of Trees
- Sports Works Ministries
- Puppet Lady and Friends
- March of Dimes: March for Babies

Going Green
It is our responsibility to have a positive environmental impact so our goal is to intentionally decrease the waste we produce as we do business (this makes mother earth very happy). Therefore we recycle all used cell phones and provide our customers digital receipts versus paper.